بسمه تعالی


دانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی

 دكتر امیرمسعود عرب -   دکترای تخصصی فيزيوتراپي                  

استاد  گروه فيزيوتراپي دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

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نام و نام خانوادگی: امیرمسعود عرب لودريچه            

نام پدر: محمود                 

شماره شناسنامه: 7213             

متولد: 1351

محل تولد: تهران

رتبه علمي:  استاد گروه آموزشی فیزیوتراپی، دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي



سوابق تحصيلي:

-       دكتراي تخصصي فيزيوتراپي :  سال 1386

دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي


-       كارشناسي ارشد فيزيوتراپي : سال 1379

دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي


-       كارشناسي فيزيوتراپي : سال 1375

دانشگاه علوم پزشكي سمنان


-       رزيدنتي درمانهاي دستي : سال 1380

6 ماه رزيدنتي در درمانهاي دستي (ستون فقرات كمري، گردني، توراسيك ، ناحيه كمري-لگني و مفصل تمپورومنديبولار)




سوابق آموزشي:

-       استاد گروه آموزشي فيزيوتراپي:  سال 1395 تاكنون، دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       دانشیار گروه آموزشي فيزيوتراپي:  سال 1395-1390، دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       استاديار گروه آموزشي فيزيوتراپي:  سال 1390-1386 ، دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو هيئت علمي گروه فيزيوتراپي: سال 1386-1383، دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       مربي گروه آموزشي فيزيوتراپي : سال 1383-1379، دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       تدريس حق التدريس گروه آموزشي فيزيوتراپي: سال 1377، دانشگاه علوم پزشكي سمنان


سوابق اجرايي :


-       سرپرست دانشگاه علوم بهزیستی و توانبخشی

-       معاون تحقیقات و فناوری دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       مدیر تحقیقات و فناوری دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       سرپرست كميته تحقيقات دانشجويي دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو شورای راهبردی توانبخشی وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی

-       سردبیر علمی نشریه تخصصی انگلیسی زبان Physical Treatment 

-       عضو شورای راهبردی و سیاستگذاری دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو شورای پژوهشی دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو شورای سیاستگزاری و برنامه ریزی معاونت آموزشی دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو کمیته تخصصی علوم پایه هیئت ممیزه دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو کمیته ترفیع پایه دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو شورای تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو علی البدل هیئت تجدید نظر انتظامی اعضای هیئت علمی دانشگاه

-       کارشناس تخصصی رشته فیزیوتراپی در هیات انتظامی سازمان نظام پزشکی

-       عضو کمیته اخلاق در پژوهش دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو شورای نشر دانشگاه

-       عضو کمیته فنی تجهیزات توانبخشی برای معلولین

-       عضو کارگروه بهداشت و درمان در حوادث غیرمترقبه دانشگاه

-       عضو کمیته دانشگاهی ارزیابی فعالیتهای  در پژوهش دانشگاه علوم بهزيستي و توانبخشي

-       عضو بورد آزمون سطح بندی فیزیوتراپیستهای فدراسیون فوتبال

-       عضو شورای مرکز رشد فناوری تجهیزات توانبخشی

-       معاون گروه آموزشي فيزيوتراپي

-        عضو شورای آموزشی و پژوهشی گروه آموزشی فیزیوتراپی

-       عضو شورای پژوهشی مرکز تحقیقات حوادث و بلایا

-       دبیر علمی یازدهمین سمینار تخصصی فیزیوتراپی ستون فقرات

-       دبیر علمی سمینار Anatomy in Rehabilitation در پنجمین کنگره بین المللی Asian-Pacific International Congress of Anatomists

-       دبیر علمي اولين همايش تخصصي دو سالانه فيزيوتراپي در اختلالات اسكلتي - عضلاني.

-       دبير اجرائي کارگاه آموزشی Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

جوايز و تقديرنامه ها  :


-        پژوهشگر برتر گروه توانبخشی هجدهمین جشنواره تحقیقاتی علوم پزشکی رازی: 1391

-        عضو بنیاد ملی نخبگان: 1391

-        استاد نمونه دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1393

-        استاد نمونه دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1391

-        استاد نمونه دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1389

-        پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1393

-        پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1392

-        پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1391

-        پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1390

-        پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی: 1389

-        داور برتر حوزه انتشارات ؛ دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی.  1385

-        تقديرنامه جهت چاپ مقالات در مجلات بين المللي ISI ؛ دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی.  1384

-        انتخاب طرح پژوهشي بعنوان طرح پژوهشي برتر دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی. 1380.





(مجلات بین المللی):


1.     MR Nourbakhsh, AM Arab. Relationship between mechanical factors and incidence of low back pain. Journal of Orthopedic Sport Physical Therapy 2002; 32(9), 447-460.


2.     MT Joghataei, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), H Khaksar. The Effect of cervical traction combined with conventional therapy on grip strength on patients with cervical radiculopathy. Clinical Rehabilitation 2004; 18(8), 879-887.


3.     I Ebrahimi, GR Shah hosseini, M Salavati, H Farahini, AM Arab. Clinical trunk muscle endurance in subjects with and without low back pain. Medical Journal Islamic Republic Iran 2005; 19, 95-101.


4.     MR Nourbakhsh, AM Arabloo, M Salavati. The relationship between pelvic cross syndrome and chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2006; 19(4), 119-128.   


5.     AM Arab , M Salavati, I Ebrahimi, ME Mousavi. Sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of the clinical trunk muscles endurance tests in low back pain. Clinical Rehabilitation 2007; 21(7), 640-647.


6.     M Salavati, M Moghadam, I Ebrahimi, AM Arab. Changes in postural stability with fatigue of lower extremity frontal and sagittal plane movers. Gait & Posture. 2007; 26(2), 214-218.


7.     AM Arab, I Abdollahi, MT Joghataei, Z Golafshani, A Kazemnejad. Inter- and intra-examiner reliability of single and composites of selected motion palpation and pain provocation tests for sacroiliac joint. Manual Therapy 2009; 14 (2), 213-221.


8.     AM Arab, R Bazaz Behbahani, L Lorestani, A Azari. Correlation of digital palpation and transabdominal ultrasound for assessment of pelvic floor muscle contraction. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 2009; 17(3), E75-79.


9.     M Chehrehrazi, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), N Karimi, M Zargham. Assessment of pelvic floor muscle contraction in stress urinary incontinent women: Comparison between transabdominal ultrasound and perineometry. International Urogynecology Journal Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 2009; 20: 1491-1496.


10.  N Karimi, I Ebrahimi, K Ezzati, S Kahrizi, G Torkaman, AM Arab. The effects of consecutive supervised stability training on postural balance in patients with chronic low back pain. Pakistan Journal of Medical Science 2009; 25(2), 177-181.


11.  AM Arab, R Bazaz Behbahani, L Lorestani, A Azari. Assessment of pelvic floor muscle function in women with and without low back pain using transabdominal ultrasound.  Manual Therapy 2010; 15:235-239.


12.  AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. The relationship between hip abductor muscle strength and iliotibial band tightness in individuals with low back pain. Chiropractic and Osteopathy 2010; 18:1


13.  AM Arab, M Chehrehrazi. The response of the abdominal muscles to pelvic floor muscle contraction in women with and without stress urinary incontinence using ultrasound imaging. Neurourology and Urodynamics 2011; 30: 117-120.


14.  AM Arab, M Chehrehrazi. Ultrasound measurement of abdominal muscles activity during abdominal hollowing and bracing in women with and without stress urinary incontinence. Manual Therapy 2011; 16: 596-601


15.  AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh, A Mohammadifar. The relationship between hamstring length and gluteal muscle strength in individuals with sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 2011; 19: 5-10.


16.  O Rasouli, AM Arab, M Amiri, S Jaberzadeh. Ultrasound measurement of deep abdominal muscles activity in sitting positions with different level of stability in subjects with and without low back pain. Manual Therapy 2011; 16 (4): 388-393.


17.  AM Arab, L Ghamkhar, M Emami, MR Nourbakhsh. Altered pattern of muscle activation during prone hip extension in women with low back pain. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2011; 19:18.


18.  AM Arab, M Chehrehrazi, B Parhampour. Pelvic floor muscle assessment in standing and lying position: Comparison between women with and without stress urinary incontinence. Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal 2011; 17: 20-24.


19.  A Nodehi Moghadam, R Mohammadi, AM Arab, A Kazemnezhad. The effect of shoulder core exercises on isometric torque of glenohumeral joint movements in healthy young females. Journal of Research in Medical Science 2011; 16 (12), 1555-1563


20.  B Khorasani, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), MA Sedighi Gilani, V Samadi, H Assadi. Transabdominal ultrasound measurement of pelvic floor muscle mobility in men with and without chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. UROLOGY 2012; 80, 637-677.


21.  N Tahan, AM Arab, B Vaseghi, K Khademi. Electromyography evaluation of abdominal muscle functions with and without concomitant pelvic floor muscle contraction. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 2013; 22: 108-114


22.  H Shakeri, Z Fathollahi, N Karimi, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). Effect of functional lumbar stabilization exercises on pain, disability and kinesiophobia in women with menstrual low back pain. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2013; 12 (3): 160-167.


23.  AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. Hamstring muscle length and lumbar lordosis in subjects with different lifestyle and work setting: Comparison between individuals with and without chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2014; 27(1):63-70.


24.  M Ziaeifar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), N Karimi, MR Nourbakhsh. The Effect of dry needling on pain, pressure pain threshold and disability in patients with myofascial trigger point in upper trapezius muscle. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2014; 18(2): 298-305.


25.  AM Arab, O Rasouli, M Amiri, N Tahan. Reliability of ultrasound measurement of automatic activity of the abdominal muscle in participants with and without chronic low back pain. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2013; 21:37.


26.  N Tahan N, AM Arab, P Arzani, F Rahimi. Relationship between ultrasonography and electromyography measurement of abdominal muscles when activated with and without pelvis floor muscles contraction. Minerva Med. 2013; 104(6): 625-30.


27.  H Shakeri, R Keshavarz, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), I Ebrahimi. Clinical effectiveness of kinesio-taping on pain and pain free shoulder range of motion in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome: A randomized,double blinded, placebo-controlled trial. International Journal of Sport Physical Therapy 2013; 8(6):800-810.

28.  N Zahiri, I Abdollahi, AM Arab, SM Nabavi. Motor sequence learning in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Journal of Neurology, 2013; 260: S131-S131


29.  H Shakeri, R Keshavarz, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), I Ebrahimi. Therapeutic effect of kinesio-taping on Disability of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Novel Physiotherpies 2013, 3:4.


30.  AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. The effect of cranial osteopathic manual therapy on somatic tinnitus in individuals without otic pathology: Two case reports with one year follow up. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 2014; 17(2): 123-128.


31.  N. Tahan, O Rasouli, AM Arab, K Khademi, E Samani. Reliability of the ultrasound measurements of abdominal muscles activity when activated with and without pelvic floor muscles contraction. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2014; 27(3): 339-47.


32.  M Emami, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), N Karimi, L Ghamkhar. The activity pattern of the lumbo-pelvic muscles during prone hip extension in athletes with and without hamstring strain injury. International Journal of Sport Physical Therapy 2014; 9(3): 312-319.


33.  M Badakhsh, B Khorasani, AM Arab, M Forootan. The role of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in subjects with fecal incontinence and efficacy of pelvic floor muscle retraining in treatment: A literature review. Govaresh 2014; 19:118-27.


34.  H Shakeri, R Keshavarz, AM Arab, F Tabatabaei, A Talimkhani. Scapular position and orientation during abduction, flexion and scapular plane elevation phase. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 2014; 12 (1): 22-30.


35.  Y Etemadi, AM Arab, M Salavati. Balance Recovery Reactions in recurrent non specific low back pain patients. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2014; 12 (1): 38-41.


36.  N Karimi, A Talimkhani, Z Mosallanezhad, AM Arab, R Keshavarz.  The effects of consecutive supervised functional lumbar stabiization exercises on the postural balance and functional disability in women with chronic non-specific low back pain. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2014; 12(2): 21-27.


37.  S ShahAli, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), S Talebian, E Ebrahimi, A Bahmani, N Karimi, H Nabavi. Reliability of ultrasound thickness measurement of the abdominal muscles during clinical isometric endurance tests. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2015; 19: 396-403.


38.  M Joghtaei, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), H Hashemi-Nasl, MT Joghataei, MO Tokhi. Assessment of passive knee stiffness and viscosity in individuals with spinal cord injury using pendulum test. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2015; 38(2):170-7


39.  AM Arab, A Talimkhani, N Karimi, F Ehsani. Change in lumbar lordosis during prone lying knee flexion test in subjects with and without low back pain. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2015; 23:18


40.  Y Etemadi, M Salavati, AM Arab. Balance recovery reaction in individuals with nonspecific low back pain: Interactive effects of attention and postural challenge. Gait & Posture 2015; 42: S30.


41.  F Ehsani, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), H Assadi, N Karimi, S Shanbehzadeh. Evaluation of pelvic floor muscles activity with and without abdominal maneuvers in subjects with and without low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2016; 29 (2):241-47.


42.  F Rajabzadeh, M Taghipour, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). The relationship between flexion-rotation test and ultrasound thickness measurement for abdominal muscles. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2016; 29(4): 643-48.


43.  F Ehsani, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), M Salavati, R Hedayati, I Talimkhani. Effect of exercise therapy in unstable surface on muscle activity pattern in patients with low back pain: A systematic review. Koomesh 2015; 16(4): 495-504.


44.  Y Etemadi, M Salavati, AM Arab. Balance recovery reactions in individuals with recurrent nonspecific low back pain: Effects of attention. Gait & Posture2016;44:123-7.


45.  F Ehsani, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), S Jaberzadeh, M Salavati. Ultrasound measurement of deep and superficial abdominal muscles thickness during standing postural tasks in participants with and without chronic low back pain. Manual Therapy 2016; 23:98-105.

46.  AM Arab, R. Sheikhhoseini, H Saadati. The effect of harmonic technique vs. extension exercises on pain and disability in patients with non-specific chronic Low Back Pain: a pilot study. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2016; 15(1):3-8.


47.    F Ehsani, AM Arab, M Salavati, S. Jaberzadeh, A. Hajihasani. Ultrasound measurement of abdominal muscle thickness with and without transducer fixation during standing postural tasks in participants with and without chronic low back pain: Intrasession and Intersession reliability. PM&R. 2016; 8(12): 1159-67.


48.    MR Nourbakhsh, T Bell, J Martin, AM Arab. The effects of oscillatory biofield therapy on pain and functional limitations associated with carpal tunnel syndrome - Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blinded Study. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2016; 22(11): 911-20.


49.  M Ziaeifar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), MR Nourbakhsh. Clinical effectiveness of dry needling immediately after application on myofascial trigger point in upper trapezius muscle. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2016; 22(11): 911-20.


50.  F. Ehsani, AM Arab, E Fatemi. The relationship between abdominal muscle activity and pain, disability and fear of movement during standing postural tasks in females with chronic nonspecific low back pain. Koomesh 2016; 18(2): 250-57.


51.    AM Arab, B Khorasani, A Bahmani. Assessment of pelvic floor muscle function in females with and without functional constipation using transabdominal ultrasound. Neurourology and Urodynamics 2016; 35: S343-S343.


52.    AH Kahlaee, L Ghamkhar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). The association between neck pain and pulmonary function: A systematic review. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2017; 96 (3): 203-210.


53.    AH Kahlaee, L Ghamkhar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). Effect of the abdominal hollowing and bracing maneuvers on activity pattern of the lumbopelvic muscles during prone hip extension in subjects with or without chronic low back pain: A preliminary study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2017; 40(2): 106-117.


54.  H Shakeri, M Soleimanifar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), S Hamneshin Behbahani. The effects of kinesioTape (KT) on the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Journal of Hand Therapy 2018; 31(1): 35-41.


55.    M Soleimanifar, N Karimi, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). Association between composites of selected motion palpation and pain provocation tests for sacroiliac joint disorders Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 2017; 21(2): 240-245.


56.    Arab AM, Haghighat A, Amiri Z, Khosravi F. Lumbar lordosis in prone position and prone hip extension test: comparison between subjects with and without low back pain. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 2017; 16; 25(1):8.


57.    Zahiri N, Abollahi I, Nabavi SM, Ehsani F, Arab AM, Shaw I, Shariat A, Shaw BS, Dastoorpoor M, Danaee M, Sangelaji B. Interference effect of prior explicit information on motor sequence learning in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017; 24(1): 69-80.


58.    Ehsani F, Arab AM, Jaberzadeh S. The effect of surface instability on the differential activation of muscle activity in low back pain patients as compared to healthy individuals: A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2017; (Article in press)


59.    L Ghamkhar, AH Kahlaee, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). Relationship between proprioception and endurance functionality of the cervical flexor muscles in chronic neck pain and asymptomatic participants. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2017; 30(4): 649-662.


60.    Kazemi, K., Arab, A.M., Abdollahi, I., López-López, D., Calvo-Lobo, C. Electromiography comparison of distal and proximal lower limb muscle activity patterns during external perturbation in subjects with and without functional ankle instability. Human Movement Science 2017; 55:211-220


61.    Ehsani F, Salavati M, Arab AM (Correspondent Author), Dolati MH. Ultrasound imaging transducer motion during standing postural tasks with and without using transducer fixator. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2017; 32: 57-63


62.  E Ramezani, AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. Suboccipital myofascial release technique in subjects with cervicogenic headache. Pharmacophore 2017; 8(6S).


63.  R Sheikhhoseini, AM Arab. Dry Needling in myofascial tracks in Non-Relaxing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A case study. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2018; 22(2): 337-340.


64.  S ShahAli, AM Arab, E Ebrahimi , S ShahAli, N Rahmani, H Negahban, A Kazemnejad, A Bahmani. Ultrasound measurement of abdominal muscles during clinical isometric endurance tests in women with and without low back pain. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 2018; (Article in Press)


65.  AM Arab, S Shanbehzadeh,  O Rasouli, M Amiri, F Ehsani. Automatic activity of deep and superficial abdominal muscles during stable and unstable sitting positions in individuals with chronic low back pain. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2018; (Article in Press)


66.  Sh Hamneshin Behbahani, AM Arab, L Nejad. Systematic Review: Effects of using kinesio tape on treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Physical Treatments 2014; 4(3): 3-9.


67.  AA Kalantari, N Karimi, AM Arab, S Jaberzadeh. The effects of active therapeutic exercises on the electromyographic activity of lumbopelvic muscles during prone hip extension in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. Physical Treatments 2014; 4(3): 33-40.


68.  Sh Shahali, AM Arab, B Ghanavati, S Shahali, A Bahmani. Effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation for patients with cardiac disease undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Jentashapir Journal of Health Research. 2014; 5(4): e21876


69.  M Ziaeifar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), N Karimi, Z Mosallanejad. The effect of dry needling on range of motion of neck lateral flexion in subjects with active trigger point in upper trapezius muscle. Jentashapir Journal of Health Research. 2014; 5(6): e26659


70.  A Bahmani, AM Arab, B Khorasany, S Shahali, M Foroutan. Systematic review: The role of pelvic floor muscles dysfunction in constipation. Physical Treatments 2015; 4(4): 177-82.


71.  A Talimkhani, N Karimi, AM Arab, Sh Emdadi. Changes in lumbar lordosis during the prone knee-flexion test in healthy subjects. Jentashapir Journal of Health Research. 2015; 6(1): e27197.


72.  M Taghipour, F Rajabzadeh, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). The relationship between the side-lying endurance test and ultrasound thickness measurement for abdominal muscles. Jentashapir Journal of Health Research. 2015; 6(2): e29206. 


73.  MA Mohseni Bandpei , I Abdollahi, AM Arab, H Darvishi, M Bahramian. The effect of 12 weeks supervised stabilization exercise on pain, functional disability and lumbar range of motion in patients with chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2016 (Article in press, Press in Farsi)


74.  H Shakeri, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), A Bargahi. Immediate effect of kinesio taping on cervical lateral flexion range of motion in subjects with myofascial trigger point in upper trapezius muscle. Physical Treatments 2016; 5(4): 231-36.


مجلات فارسی زبان


75.    M Moghadam, M Salavati , E Ebrahimi, AM Arab. The effect of fatigue in proximal and distal muscles of lower extremity on postural control. Journal of Rehabilitation 2003 summer; 4(13), 29-36. (Press in Farsi)


76.    AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh, M Salavati. Relative effects of mechanical factors on low back pain. Kowsar Medical Journal 2004 spring; Vol:9, part 1: 1-11. (Press in Farsi)


77.    R Mohammadi, A Nodehi Moghaddam, AM Arab, A Kazemnezhad. Shoulder key exercise effect of on isometric torque of glenohumeral joint movements in healthy young females. Journal of Rehabilitation 2009 summer; 10(2), 38-44. (Press in Farsi)


78.    O Rasooli, M Amiri, AM Arabloo. Comparison of abdominal muscles thickness changes at different postures between non-specific chronic low back pain patients and healthy males by ultrasonography. Journal of Rehabilitation 2010 winter; 10(4), 32-39. (Press in Farsi)


79.    F Ghaderi, AM Arab, A Nodehi Moghaddam, M Rahgozar. Reproducibility of maximum voluntary isometric contraction in "Empty can" position during surface electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles. Modares Journal of Medical Sciences: Pathobiology 2010 spring; 13, 69-78. (Press in Farsi)


80.    S Nazarymoghadam, A Nodehi Moghaddam, AM Arab, A Zeinalzade. Scapular kinematics: A comparison between females with and without general hypermobility syndrome in arm elevation. Journal of Rehabilitation 2010 summer; 11(2), 8-14. (Press in Farsi)


81.    M Emami, AM Arab, L Ghamkhar, N Karimi. Reliability of the electromyographic assessment of the lumbo-pelvic extensor muscles activity during prone hip extension in athletes with hamstring strain injury. Journal of Rehabilitation 2012 winter; 12(4), 60-65. (Press in Farsi)


82.    R Keshavarz, H Shakeri, AM Arab, M Gholamian, F Tabatabaei, A Raeissadat. Comparison of scapular rotational movement measures of acromion marker cluster between patients with shoulder impingement syndrome and healthy ones during humeral elevation in scapular plane. Journal of Rehabilitation 2012 winter; 12(4), 67-73. (Press in Farsi)


83.    M Hashem Boroojerdi, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), N Karimi, N Tahan. Reliability of electromyography of abdominal muscles during abdominal manoeuvre with and without pelvic floor muscle contraction. Journal of Rehabilitation 2012; 13(3), 108-114 (Press in Farsi)


84.    H Shakeri, S Ahi, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). The relationship between general hypermobility and foot arch in healthy adult females. Physical Treatments 2012 spring; 2(1), 51-56. (Press in Farsi)


85.    M Soleimanifar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). Relationship between single motion palpation and provocation tests in assessment of sacroiliac joint disorder. Physical Treatments 2012 spring; 2(1), 57-61. (Press in Farsi)


86.    H Asasdi, E Ebrahimi, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), J Sarafzadeh, N Karimi, YA Bat. Reliability of ultrasound measurement of pelvic floor muscle function during abdominal maneuver in subjects with and without chronic non-specific low back pain. Physical Treatments 2012 winter; 1(1), 28-34. (Press in Farsi)


87.    N Tahan, AM Arab, N Karimi. The relationship between electromyography and ultrasound measurement of abdominal muscles during abdominal hollowing maneuvers in subjects with and without non-specific chronic low back pain patients. Physical Treatments 2012 winter; 1(1), 49-55. (Press in Farsi)


88.    N Karimi, MR Golpour, AM Arab, K Ezzati, A Talimkhani. Effectiveness of consecutive supervised and functional core stability training on non-specific chronic low back pain patients. Physical Treatments 2012 winter; 1(1), 35-42. (Press in Farsi)


89.    Ghaderi F, Nodehi Moghadam A, AM Arab. The Comparative study of shoulder girdle muscle activation pattern between subjects with and without chronic non specific neck pain. URMIA MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2013; 23 (7) :736-744. (Press in Farsi)


90.    Aboufazeli M, AM Arab, Karimi N, Bakhshi E, Mossallanezhad Z, Sirous M.  Reliability of ultrasound thickness measurement of abdominal muscles in women with and without chronic non-specific low back pain. Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences 2013; 8(6): 1054-62. (Press in Farsi)


91.    R Keshavarz, H Shakeri, AM Arab, E Ibrahimi. Reliability of 3-Dimensional scapular kinematics measures of acromion marker cluster in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome during humeral elevation and lowering. Pajouhan Scientific Journal 2013; 11(4), 42-50. (Press in Farsi)


92.    M Ziaeefar, AM Arab (Correspondent Author), N Karimi, Z Mosallanezhad. The effect of dry needling compared with ischemic pressure on pain intensity on active trigger point in upper trapezius muscle. Journal of Rehabilitation 2013; 14(2): 86-92. (Press in Farsi)


93.    N Zahiri, I Abdollahi I, SM Nabavi, AM Arab. Explicit motor sequence learning in relapse-remission MS patients. Journal of Rehabilitation 2013; 14(2): 70-76. (Press in Farsi)


94.    F Azadi, M Parnianpour, H Shakeri, A Kazemnejad, A Akbari Kamrani, AM Arab et al. Relative and absolute reliability of timed up and go test in community dwelling older adult and healthy young people. Iranian Journal of Ageing Salmand 2014; 8 (31): 55-65. (Press in Farsi)


95.    A Bargahi, AM Arab, L Nejad. The effects of kinesio tape of the upper trapezius muscle on the musculoskeletal disorders of upper quarter region (Literature review). Physical Treatments 2013; 3(1):9-17.


96.    L Nejad, AM Arab. The effects of patellas kinesio taping on patellofemoral pain syndrome (Literature review). Physical Treatments 2014; 3(2):49-56. (Press in Farsi)


97.    A sanati, AM Arab (Correspondent Author). Relationship between thoracic kyphosis and respiratory capacities. Physical Treatments 2014; 3(2):57-61. (Press in Farsi)


98.    L Ghamkhar, AM Arab. Effect of the abdominal bracing maneuver on muscle activity pattern during prone hip extension. Physical Treatments 2014; 3(3):16-21. (Press in Farsi)


99.    M Hashem Boroojerdi, AM Arab, N Karimi. The relationship between electromyographic activity and thickness alterations of lateral abdominal wall muscles during pelvic floor muscles contraction in healthy women. Physical Treatments 2014; 3(3) :33-39 (Press in Farsi)


100. K Kazemi, AM Arab, I Abdollahi. Evaluation of the electromyographic activity of distal and proximal muscles of the lower extremity after ankle sprain (Review Article). Physical Treatments 2014; 3(3) :46-52. (Press in Farsi)


101. Z Mohammadi, A Nodehi, Z Mosallanezhad, AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh, E Bakhshi. The effects of active trigger point of upper trapezius muscle on its electromyography activity and maximal Isometric Contraction Force during scapular plane elevation (Scaption). Journal of Rehabilitation 2014; 14: 125-131


102. J Khademi, MA Mohseni Bandpei , I Abdollahi, AM Arab, H Darvishi, SS Aghamiri. Measurement of abdominal muscle thickness using ultrasound: A reliability study on patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences 2015; 24: 265-73 (Press in Farsi)


103. F Azadi, M Parnianpour, H Shakeri, A Kazemnezhad A, AA AkbariKamrani, AM Arab. How many changes in sit to stand-5 repetition test is real in community dwelling older adult and healthy young people. Iranian Journal of Ageing Salmand. 2015; 9(4): 252-258


كتابهاي ترجمه شده :


1.    حفظ تعادل، انعطاف پذيري و ثبات بدن. ترجمه كتاب:  Maintaining Body Balance, Flexibility and Stability. . نويسنده: لئون چيتاو. انتشارات دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی. 1386.


2.   اصول درمانهاي دستي. ترجمه كتاب:

 Principles of Manual Therapy; A Manual Therapy Approach to Musculoskeletal. انتشارات دانشگاه علوم بهزيستی و توانبخشی. 1386.



سخنراني در کنگره های داخلی و بین المللی :


1.     AM Arab, M Ziaeifar, MR Nourbakhsh. The effect of dry needling on pain and disability in patients with myofascial trigger point in the upper trapezius muscle. World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Congress, 2-4 July, 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.


2.     Arab AM, Khorasani B, Bahmani A. Assessment of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function in Females With and Without Functional Constipation Using Transabdominal ultrasound. (Abstract #17737). ICS 2016, Tokyo, Japan, September 13-16, 2016.


3.     Arab AM. Visceral Manipulation. A New Frontier in Bodywork. Oxford International Physiotherapy Conference 2016, Bangalore, India, December 10-11, 2016.


4.     M Ziaeifar, AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. The Effect of Dry Needling on Myofascial Trigger Point in Upper Trapezius Muscle. Fourth International Fascia Research Congress, Washington DC, USA, September 18-20, 2015.


5.     Arab AM, Jabaripour B, Khorasani B, Nodehi moghadam. The response of the pelvic floor muscle to lower extremity movement patterns in women with stress urinary incontinence. (Abstract #17256). ICS 2015, Montreal Canada, October 6-9, 2015.


6.     MR Nourbakhsh, AM Arab. The Effects of Oscillating Energy Manual Therapy on Symptoms Associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Randomized, Double Blinded, Placebo Controlled Study. Third International Fascia Research Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 28-30, 2012.


7.     AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. The Effects of Cranial Manual Therapy and Myofascial Release Technique on Somatic Tinnitus in Individuals without Otic Pathology: Two Case Reports with one year follow up. The Third International Fascia Research Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 28-30, 2012.


8.     AM Arab, LGhamkhar. The effect of abdominal hollowing or bracing maneuver on muscular activation pattern during prone hip extension. World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Congress, 20-23 June, 2011, Amsterdam, Holland.


9.     AM Arab, LGhamkhar. Altered pattern of the lumbo-pelvic muscles activity during prone hip extension in women with low back pain. World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Congress, 20-23 June, 2011, Amsterdam, Holland.


10.  AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh, A Mohammadifar. The relationship between hamstring length and gluteal muscle strength in individuals with SIJ dysfunction. 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles, USA, 9-12 November, 2010.


11.  AM Arab, A Abbasloo, S Maleki. Pelvic floor muscle activity with and without abdominal muscle contraction in patients with low back pain. 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles, USA, 9-12 November, 2010.


12.  M Joghtaei, MO Tokhi, R Jailani, SC Gharooni, AM Arab. Control of swinging leg in cyclical motion using control techniques to reduce fatigue. First Annual Conference of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Chapter of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, University of Salford, UK, April 2010.


13.  H Hashemi-Nasl, M Joghtaei, MO Tokhi, AM Arab, MA Sanjari, R Jailani. Passive stiffness and viscosity of knee joint complex: An indication for the treatment progress. 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, 31 August-3 September, 2010


14.  AM Arab, D Pourmakhdoum. Transabdominal ultrasound measurement of pelvic floor muscle function in women with chronic low back pain. APA Conference Week, Sydney, Australia, 1-5 October 2009. Abstract published in the e-AJP Volume 55:4, Supplement


15.  AM Arab, M Chehrehrazi. Pelvic floor muscle activity during abdominal hollowing and bracing maneuvers in women with and without stress urinary incontinence. APA Conference Week, Sydney, Australia, 1-5 October 2009. Abstract published in the e-AJP Volume 55:4, Supplement


16.  AM Arab, A Talimkhani, S Emdadi. Change in lumbar lordosis during prone knee flexion test in subjects with and without low back pain. 3rd International Conference on Movement Dysfunction, Edinburgh, UK, 30 October-1 November 2009. Abstract published in the journal Manual Therapy Volume 14, Supplement 1, October 2009.


17.   AM Arab, M Chehrehrazi, M Zargham. Comparison between transabdominal ultrasound and perineometry for assessment of pelvic floor muscle contraction in women with stress urinary incontinence. ICS, San Francisco, USA, 29 September-3 October 2009.


18.  AM Arab, M Chehrehrazi, N Karimi, M Zargham. Assessment of pelvic floor muscle function in standing and lying positions using transabdominal ultrasound: Difference between continent and stress incontinent women. ICS, San Francisco, USA, 29 September-3 October 2009.


19.  AM Arab, A Azari, R Behbahani, L Lorestani. Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in women with low back pain. 5th World Congress; World Institute of Pain, New York, USA, 13-16 March 2009. (Poster presentation)


20.  AM Arab, R Bazaz Behbahani, L Lorestani, A Azari. The relationship between digital palpation test of pelvic floor muscle and thickness of the pelvic floor muscle measured by the trans-abdominal ultrasonography. 6th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Barcelona, Spain, 7-10 November 2007.


21.  AM Arab, M Salavati, I Ebrahimi. Clinical tests of muscle endurance in low back pain. 6th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Barcelona, Spain, 7-10 November 2007. (Poster presentation) 


22.  MR Nourbakhsh, AM Arab. The relationship between patterns of muscle imbalance and low back pain. 5th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Melbourne, Australia 10-13 November 2004.


23.  MR Nourbakhsh, AM Arab. Relationship between mechanical factors and incidence of low back pain. 14th International WCPT Congress, 7-12 June, 2003, Barcelona, Spain.


24.  MR Nourbakhsh, AM Arab. Muscle imbalance pattern and low back pain. 14th International WCPT Congress, 7-12 June, 2003, Barcelona, Spain.


25.  AM Arab, A Hatami. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial approach in manual and movement therapy. 5th Asian-Pacific International Congress of Anatomists & 8th Iranian Congress of Anatomical Sciences, Anatomy in Rehabilitation Seminar. 16-19 May 2008, Tehran, Iran.


26.  AM Arab, M Salavati, I Ebrahimi. The sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of the clinical muscle endurance tests in low back pain. Emirates Physiotherapy Conference, 29 April-1 May 2006, Dubai, UAE. (CME accredited)


27.  AM Arab, MT Joghataei, A Jannati. The Effect of cervical traction combined with conventional therapy on grip strength on patients with cervical radiculopathy. Emirates Physiotherapy Conference, 29 April-1 May 2006, Dubai, UAE. (CME accredited) (Poster presentation)


28.  AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. Muscle imbalance syndrome and low back pain. Emirates Physiotherapy Conference, 29 April-1 May 2006, Dubai, UAE. (CME accredited) (Poster presentation)


29.  F Azadi, M Parnianpour, H Shakeri AM Arab. The effect of fear of falling on the trunk kinematic parameters in elderly. 27th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 4-6 May 2016, Tehran, Iran


30.  J Khademi, MA Mohseni_Bandpei, I Abdollahi, AM Arab. The effects of 12 weeks supervised stabilization exercise on pain, functional disability and lumbar range of motion in patient with chronic low back pain: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. 27th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 4-6 May 2016, Tehran, Iran


31.  AM Arab, A Haghighat, Z Amiri, F Khosravi. Change in lumbar lordosis during prone hip extension in subjects with and without low back pain. 27th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 4-6 May 2016, Tehran, Iran


32.  M Emami, AM Arab, AH Kahlaei. Variability in the firing pattern of the lumbo-pelvic muscles in athletes with and without hamstring strain injury. 26th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 22-24 April 2015, Tehran, Iran


33.  F Azadi, M Parnianpour, H Shakeri, A Kazemnejad, A Akbari Kamrani, AM Arab et al . Change in hip kinematic during weight shift activity: Comparison between elderly with and without history of falling and young subjects. 26th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 22-24 April 2015, Tehran, Iran


34.  F Azadi, M Parnianpour, H Shakeri, A Kazemnejad, A Akbari Kamrani, AM Arab et al . Trunk kinematic during weight shift activity: Comparison between elderly with and without history of falling and young subjects. 26th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 22-24 April 2015, Tehran, Iran


35.  S ShahAli, AM Arab, E Ebrahimi, B Ghanavati. Thickness measurement of the abdominal muscles during clinical isometric endurance tests in subjects with and without low back pain using ultrasound. 26th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 22-24 April 2015, Tehran, Iran


36.  S ShahAli, AM Arab, E Ebrahimi, N Karimi, B Ghanavati. Change in thickness measurement of the multifidus muscles during clinical isometric endurance tests in women with and without low back pain. 26th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 22-24 April 2015, Tehran, Iran


37.  M Aboufazeli, AM Arab. Within-day and between-day reliability of ultrasound thickness measurement of the abdominal muscle during abdominal hollowing and bracing manoeuvres. 17th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2016, Tehran, Iran.


38.  S ShahAli, AM Arab, E Ebrahimi. Assessment of ultrasound thickness measurement of the superficial and deep abdominal muscles during clinical isometric endurance tests. 17th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2016, Tehran, Iran.


39.  F Ehsani, AM Arab, M Salavati. Measurement of abdominal muscle thickness with and without transducer fixator during standing posture in subjects with and without chronic low back pain. 16th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 23-24 December 2015, Tehran, Iran.


40.  F Ehsani, AM Arab, N Karimi. Muscle activity during dynamic tasks using B-mode ultrasonography: Clinical study. 3rd Seminar on Electrotherapy Update. 11-12 December 2014, Tehran, Iran


41.  M Ziaeifar, AM Arab, N Karimi. Clinical effectiveness of dry needling immediately after application on myofascial trigger point in the upper trapezius muscle. 25th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 7-9 May 2014, Tehran, Iran


42.  M Ziaeifar, AM Arab, Z Mosallanezhad. The long term effect of dry needling on myofascial trigger point in the upper trapezius muscle: Two weeks and three months follow up. 25th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 7-9 May 2014, Tehran, Iran


43.  M Emami, AM Arab. The activity pattern of the lumbo-pelvic muscles during prone hip extension in athletes with and without hamstring strain injury. 15th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 24-25 December 2014, Tehran, Iran.


44.  B Akhbari, M Salavati, AM Arab. New Insights to Patterns of dysfunction. 15th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 24-25 December 2014, Tehran, Iran.


45.  R Keshavarez, AM Arab. Relationship between visceral and spinal disorders. 15th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 24-25 December 2014, Tehran, Iran.


46.  N Karimi, A Kalantari, AM Arab, S Jaberzadeh. The effect of exercise therapy on the the activity of the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscle in subjects with chronic non-specific low back pain. 15th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 24-25 December 2014, Tehran, Iran.


47.  R Keshavarez, AM Arab, H Shakeri, I Ebrahimi. Immediate effect of Kinesio-tape on pain and 3 dimensions of scapular kinematics in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome during arm elevation and lowering in frontal plane. 23th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 16-18 May 2012, Shiraz, Iran


48.  A Firouzi, AM Arab, N Karimi. Abdominal muscle thickness during inspiration and expiration in subjects with and without non-specific chronic low back pain using ultrasonography. 23th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 16-18 May 2012, Shiraz, Iran


49.  N Zahiri, F Ferdosi, AM Arab. Relationship between ultrasound measurement of abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.  23th Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 16-18 May 2012, Shiraz, Iran


50.  AM Arab, M Beheshtipour. The relationship between strength and ultrasound thickness measurement of quadriceps muscle in healthy subjects. National Congress of Neuromuscular Disorders. 4-5 May 2012, Babol, Iran


51.  M Yarali, N Karimi, AM Arab. Pelvic floor muscle function during inspiration and expiration using ultrasonography. National Congress of Neuromuscular Disorders. 4-5 May 2012, Babol, Iran


52.  AM Arab, N Karimi, A Onegh, A Jafari. Effect of abdominal stabilizing maneuvers on degree of knee flexion during prone knee flexion test. National Congress of Neuromuscular Disorders. 4-5 May 2012, Babol, Iran


53.  R Abedi, N Karimi, AM Arab. Relationship between study position and low back pain in young people. 13th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 December 2012, Tehran, Iran.


54.  Z Mohammadi, Z Mosallanejhad. A Nodehi, AM Arab. The effect of trigger point in upper trapezius muscle on muscular activity pattern during scaption. 13th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 December 2012, Tehran, Iran.


55.  A Bahmani, AM Arab. Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in chronic constipation. 13th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 December 2012, Tehran, Iran.


56.  R Keshavarez, H Shakeri, AM Arab,  I Ebrahimi. Reliability of 3 dimensional kinematics of acromion marker cluster in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome during humeral elevation in three movement plane. 13th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 December 2012, Tehran, Iran.


57.  AA Sanati, AM Arab. The relationship between size of thoracic kyphosis, strength and length of shoulder muscles. 22nd Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 3-5 May 2011, Tehran, Iran


58.  A Talimkhani, Sh Emdadi, AM Arab. Lumbar lordosis during prone knee flexion test. 22nd Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 3-5 May 2011, Tehran, Iran


59.  A Firouzi, AM Arab. The relationship between strength and ultrasound thickness measurement of elbow flexor muscles in healthy subjects. 22nd Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 3-5 May 2011, Tehran, Iran


60.  A Mosadegh, AM Arab. The relationship between strength and ultrasound thickness measurement of anterior tibial muscles in healthy subjects. 22nd Iranian Physiotherapy Congress. 3-5 May 2011, Tehran, Iran


61.  Y Etemadi, AM Arab. Chronic low back pain: common or different mechanism. 12th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2011, Tehran, Iran.

62.  N Tahan, AM Arab. Sonomyographic assessment of the abdominal muscles contraction with and without pelvic floor muscle contraction in women with non-specific chronic low back pain. 12th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2011, Tehran, Iran.


63.  A Sanati, AM Arab. Relationship between thoracic kyphosis and respiratory capacity. 12th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2011, Tehran, Iran.


64.  S Ahi, AM Arab. Relationship between general hypermobility and lumbar lordosis and foot arch. 12th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2011, Tehran, Iran.


65.  A Onegh, A Jafari, AM Arab. The effect of abdominal stabilizing maneuver on degree of knee flexion during prone knee flexion. 12th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2011, Tehran, Iran.


66.  M Soleimanifar, AM Arab. The relationship between pain provocation and motion palpation tests for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. 12th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2011, Tehran, Iran.


67.  M Taghipour, F Rajabzadeh, AM Arab. Relationship between endurance of abdominal muscles and ultrasound thickness measurement. 12th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 28-29 December 2011, Tehran, Iran.


68.  L Ghamkhar, AM Arab. The activity pattern of lumbo-pelvic extensor muscles during prone hip extension in women with low back pain. 11th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 22-23 December 2010, Tehran, Iran.


69.  F Ghaderi, A Nodehi Moghaddam, AM Arab, M Rahgozar. The activity pattern of shoulder girdle in subjects with and without chronic neck pain. 11th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 22-23 December 2010, Tehran, Iran.


70.  AM Arab, M Chehrehrazi, B Parhampour. The response of the abdominal muscles to pelvic floor muscle contraction in women with and without stress urinary incontinence using ultrasound imaging. 11th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 22-23 December 2010, Tehran, Iran.


71.  R Keshavarz, AM Arab, M Rahmati. Compare between psychosocial rehabilitation and usual care in patients with chronic low back pain: Systematic review. 11th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 22-23 December 2010, Tehran, Iran.


72.  A Paknejad, AM Arab. Mechanism of the relationship between hamstring muscle length and back extensor muscle endurance in sacroiliac joint stability. 11th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 22-23 December 2010, Tehran, Iran.

73.  A Firouzi, AM Arab. Pelvic floor muscles in trunk stability. 2nd Students Rehabilitation Congress. 22-24 February 2011, Tehran, Iran


74.  O Rasouli, M Amiri, AM Arab. Comparison of abdominal muscle response to differenr postures in non-specific chronic low back pain and healthy male subjects utilizing ultrasonography. 20th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 12-14 May 2009, Tehran, Iran


75.  R Mohammadi, A Nodehi, AM Arab, A Kazemnejad. The effect of the shoulder selective exercise on the rotator cuff muscles endurance in healthy young females. 20th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 12-14 May 2009, Tehran, Iran


76.  M Chehrehrazi, AM Arab, N Karimi. Pelvic floor muscle activity during abdominal hollowing and bracing maneuvers in women with stress urinary incontinence. 20th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 12-14 May 2009, Tehran, Iran


77.  M Shafiei, AM Arab. A survey on body general hypermobility index during different phases of menstrual cycle. 20th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 12-14 May 2009, Tehran, Iran. (Poster presentation)


78.  S Nazarimoghadam, A Nodehi, AM Arab. A comparison of scapular kinematic between subjects with and without general hypermobility syndrome in frontal and sagital plane arm elevation. 20th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 12-14 May 2009, Tehran, Iran. (Poster presentation)


79.  M Chehrehrazi, AM Arab, B Parhampour. Comparison between transabdominal ultrasound and perineometry in women with stress urinary incontinence. 20th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 12-14 May 2009, Tehran, Iran. (Poster presentation)


80.  M Emami, L Ghamkhar, AM Arab. Postural improvement using core integration. 20th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 12-14 May 2009, Tehran, Iran. (Poster presentation)


81.  M Chehrehrazi, AM Arab, N Karimi. Comparison between transabdominal ultrasound and perineometry for pelvic floor muscle assessment. 10th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 23-24 December 2009, Tehran, Iran.


82.  F Ghaderi, AM Arab, A Nodehi Moghaddam, M Rahgozar. Reliability of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction in surface electromyography of the shoulder muscles. 10th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 23-24 December 2009, Tehran, Iran.


83.  M Golpour, K Ezzati, N Karimi, AM Arab, M Rahgozar, B Khorasani. Effect of supervised functional stabilization exercise in men with non-specific chronic low back pain. 10th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 23-24 December 2009, Tehran, Iran


84.  A Talimkhani, S Emdadi, AM Arab. Lumbar lordosis change in prone knee flexion test in subjects with and without low back pain. 10th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 23-24 December 2009, Tehran, Iran


85.  AM Arab. Exercise therapy in management of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Seminar in Exercise, Security and Health, Birjand University, 29 January 2009, Birjand, Iran.


86.  AM Arab, R Keshavarz, S Sherafat. Role of fascia in postural improvement. 9th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 24-25 December 2009, Tehran, Iran.


87.  S Sherafat, R Keshavarz, AM Arab. Movement impairment in low back pain syndrome. 9th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 24-25 December 2009, Tehran, Iran.


88.  AM Arab. Principles of joint mobilization. Seminar in Physiotherapy in Disease, Medical Council of I.R.IRAN, Milad Hospital. 23-25 Feb 2008, Tehran, Iran.


89.  R Behbahani, L Lorestani, A Azari, AM Arab. Comparison of pelvic floor muscles strength in healthy women and those with low back pain. 18th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 8-10 May 2007, Tehran, Iran


90.  O Rasouli, M Amiri, AM Arab. Comparative study of abdominal muscle response to different postures in non specific chronic low back pain and healthy subject utilizing ultrasonography. 8th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 Dec 2007, Tehran, Iran


91.  R Behbahani, L Lorestani, A Azari, AM Arab. Comparison of the two evaluation methods of pelvic floor muscles in women with and without low back pain. 7th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 Dec 2006, Tehran, Iran


92.  V Samadi, AM Arab. Pelvic floor muscles dysfunction in chronic pelvic pain syndrome. 7th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 Dec 2006, Tehran, Iran


93.  M Sakhaei, B Akhbari, AM Arab. Principles of core exercise. 7th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 26-27 Dec 2006, Tehran, Iran


94.  V Samadi, AM Arab. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). 1st Conference, Physical Therapy in Musculoskeletal Impairment, 7-8 Nov 2006, Tehran, Iran.


95.  M Shafiei, R Keshavarz, AM Arab. Function of Neuromatrix in musculoskeletal disorders. 1st Conference, Physical Therapy in Musculoskeletal Impairment, 7-8 Nov 2006, Tehran, Iran.


96.  R Behbahani, L Lorestani, A Azari, AM Arab. Correlation between digital palpation and ultrasound measurement of pelvic floor muscle. 1st Conference, Physical Therapy in Musculoskeletal Impairment, 7-8 Nov 2006, Tehran, Iran.


97.  AM Arab, M Salavati. The sensitivity and the trunk endurance tests in individuals with low back pain. 6th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 29-30 Dec 2005, Tehran, Iran


98.  A Ghaniabadi, S Rahmdel, N Karimi, AM Arab. Correlation between lumbar lordosis, abdominal muscle strength and endurance and the number of pregnancy. 1st Seminar of Physical Therapy-Health-Women, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), 21 Dec 2005, Tehran, Iran


99.  M Moghadam, M Salavati , E Ebrahimi, Arab AM. Comparative study of the effect of muscle fatigue in frontal and sagital plane on postural control. 3rd Student Seminar of Physical Therapy. 6-7 Dec 2004, Tehran, Iran.


100.         M Hosseinzadeh, Arab AM. New concepts in spinal stabilization. 3rd Student Seminar of Physical Therapy. 6-7 Dec 2004, Tehran, Iran.


101.         AM Arab. T4 syndrome. 3rd Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 3-4 March 2003, Tehran, Iran


102.         AM Arab, A Mohammadifard. Clinical diagnostic tests for sacroiliac joint dysfunction. 4th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy. 22-23 Dec 2003, Tehran, Iran

103.         AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh. Clinical analysis of pelvic crossed syndrome in patients with low back pain. 14th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 13-15 May 2003, Tehran, Iran


104.         AM Arab. Muscle tightness and weakness in patients with low back pain. 2nd Student Seminar of Physical Therapy. 8-9 Dec 2003, Tehran, Iran


105.         AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh, M Salavati. Relative effects of mechanical factors on low back pain occurrence. 13th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 21-23 May 2002, Tehran, Iran


106.         AM Arab, A Jannati. The Effect of cervical traction on grip strength in patients with cervical radiculopathy. 13th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 21-23 May 2002, Tehran, Iran

107.         AM Arab, MR Nourbakhsh, M Salavati. Relative importance of musculoskeletal factors in low back pain. The National Seminar of Mechanical Low Back Pain. 28-29 May 2002, Tabriz, Iran


108.  A Ghaniabadi, Sh Rahmdel, N Karimi, AM Arab. Relationship between abdominal muscle strength and endurance with pregnancy number. 1st Student Seminar of Physical Therapy. 17 Dec 2002, Tehran, Iran


109.  AM Arab. Segmental evaluation and mobilization of the spine. Saba Rehabilitation, Research and Educational Center, University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences. 19 Nov 2001, Tehran, Iran.


110.    M Hadian, I Ebrahimi, A Moezi, Arab AM. Panel discussion: Flexibility. 17th Physiotherapy Congress of Iran. 16-18 May 2006, Tehran, Iran


111.    I Ebrahimi, M Salavati, Arab AM. Panel discussion: Musculoskeletal adaptation. 3rd Student Seminar of Physical Therapy. 6-7 Dec 2004, Tehran, Iran.


112.  I Ebrahimi, M Salavati, Arab AM. Panel discussion: Treatment approach based on motor control in low back pain. 2nd Student Seminar of Physical Therapy. 8-9 Dec 2003, Tehran, Iran


ثبت اختراع :


-        Acromion Marker Cluster: مرکز مالکیت معنوی، سازمان ثبت اسناد


جذب گرنت پژوهشی:

-        صندوق حمایت از پژوهشگران و فناوران

-        بنیاد ملی نخبگان


عضويت در انجمن و كميته هاي مختلف :


-        عضو بنیاد ملی نخبگان

-        عضو انجمن فيزيوتراپي ايران

-        عضو سازمان نظام پزشكي جمهوري اسلامي ايران

-        عضو انجمن CLAWAR

-        عضو کمیته علمی سمینارها و کنفرانسها



دروس تدريس شده :


-       فیزیولوژی پیشرفته عصی و عضله (دکترای تخصصی)

-       درمانهای دستی پیشرفته ستون فقرات(دکترای تخصصی)

-       آنالیز راه رفتن (دکترای تخصصی)

-       روشهای بالینی در فیزیوتراپی اسکلتی-عضلانی و عصبی-عضلانی (دکترای حرفه ای)

-       تشخیص افتراقی و تصمیم گیری بالینی (دکترای حرفه ای)

-       بيومکانيک صدمات اسکلتی عضلانی (کارشناسی ارشد)

-       اصول درمان هاي دستي مفاصل محيطي و ستون فقرات (کارشناسی ارشد)

-       الكتروفيزيولوژي ( كارشناسي ارشد)

-       تدريس درس  بيومکانيک اندام تحتاني (کارشناسی ارشد)

-       ابزارشناسي تحقيق ( كارشناسي ارشد)

-       کينزيولوژی تنه و ستون فقرات (کارشناسی )

-       کينزيولوژی اندام فوقانی و تحتانی (کارشناسی )

-       فيزيوتراپي در ضايعات ارتوپدي (کارشناسی )

-       الکتروتراپی (کارشناسی )

-       تدريس درس بيومكانيك (كارشناسي )

-       سرپرست کارورزی (کارشناسی )

-       راهنمائي و مشاوره پايان نامه دانشجويان ( کارشناسی، كارشناسي ارشد، دکتری)

-       ناظر دفاعيه پايان نامه

-       مدرس کارگاههای متعدد آموزشي د



علايق باليني و تحقيقاتي  :


-        درمانهاي دستي و تمرين درماني در دردهای مایوفاشیال و اختلالات اسکلتی-عضلانی شامل (تکنیکهای موبیلیزاسیون، مانیپولاسیون، آزادسازی غشایی بافت نرم، تکنیکهای انرژی عضلانی، کرانیوساکرال، سوزن خشک، درمانهای احشایی و اصلاح پوسچر)

-        اختلالات اسكلتي- عضلاني

-        ارزیابی و درمان الگوهاي حركتي

-        بیومکانیک و کینزیولوژی

-        سونوگرافي عضلات



مدرس كارگاه ها (بین المللی و داخلی):


2016                          Visceral Manipulation. 

Oxford International Physiotherapy Conference, The Oxford College of Physiotherapy (Pre-conference Workshop)

December 8-9, Bangalore, India


2016                          Fascia Manipulation. 

Oxford International Physiotherapy Conference, The Oxford College of Physiotherapy (Post-conference Workshop)

December 12-13, Bangalore, India


2018Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

July 20, Isfahan, IRAN


2018Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

July 19, Isfahan, IRAN


2018                           Craniosacral Therapy in Spinal Disorders 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

June 22, Tehran, IRAN


2018                          Dry Needling (Level I, II: Mechanism, Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

June 20-21, Tehran, IRAN


2018                           Manipulation (Lumbar, Pelvis & Cervical Region)   

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Zahedan branch & Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS)

May 6-8, Zahedan, IRAN


2018                          Dry Needling (Level I, II: Mechanism, Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

Alborz University of Medical Sciences

April 26-27, Karaj, IRAN


2018                          Diagnosis and Manual Therapy of the Musculoskeletal Disorders with Visceral Manipulation   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

April 13, Tehran, IRAN


2018                          Manual Therapy of the Cervical Spine   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

March 9, Tehran, IRAN


2018Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

February 24, Isfahan, IRAN


2018                          Mobilization of Lumbar Spine   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

February 16, Tehran, IRAN


2018                           Soft Tissue Manipulation    

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Zahedan branch & Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS)

February 11, Zahedan, IRAN


2018                           Mobilization of the Lumbar Spine & Pelvis    

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Zahedan branch & Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS)

February 9-10, Zahedan, IRAN


2018                          Dry Needling (Level III, IV,V: Upper &Lower Extremity, Trunk and Cervical, TMJ). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Qom branch & Qom University of Medical Sciences

January 31- February 2, Qom, IRAN


2018Dry Needling (Level I,II,III). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

January 24-26, Isfahan, IRAN


2018Dry Needling (Lower Extremity, Cervical, Head & Face). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

January 17-18, Mashhad, IRAN


2018                          Myofascial Release Technique   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

January 11-12, Tehran, IRAN


2018Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Lower & Upper Extremity, Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Mazandaran & Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

January 5-6, Sari, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level I,II: Mechanism, Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Mazandaran & Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

December 7-8, Sari, IRAN


2017                           Mobilization of the Cervical & Thoracic Spine    

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Zahedan branch & Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS)

November 9-10, Zahedan, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

November 3, Mashhad, IRAN


2017                          Myofascial Release Technique   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

October 6, Tehran, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

September 28-29, Mashhad, IRAN


2017                          Dry Needling (Level II, III: Shoulder Girdle & Lower Extremity). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

September 22,23, Tehran, IRAN


2017                          Dry Needling (Level V: Upper Cervical, TMJ & Face). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

August 18, Tehran, IRAN


2017                          Manual Therapy of the Thoracic Spine   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

August 4, Tehran, IRAN


2017                          Diagnosis and Treatment of Myofascial Pelvic Floor Disorders    

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

August 3, Tehran, IRAN


2017Dry Needling 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

July 27, Isfahan, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Lower & Upper Extremity, Trunk). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

July 13-14, Tehran, IRAN


2017                          Assessment and Manual Therapy of the Lumbar Spine   

Semnan University of Medical Sciences,

July 7, Tehran, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level IV,V: Upper Extremity, Trunk, Cervical, TMJ, Face)

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

June 8-9, Isfahan, IRAN


2017                           Craniosacral Therapy in Spinal Disorders 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

May 12, Tehran, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level I, II: Mechanism; Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

May 4-5, Tehran, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Upper & Lower Extremity)

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

April 20-21, Isfahan, IRAN


2017                          Manual Therapy of the Cervical Spine   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

April 7, Tehran, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level I, II: Mechanism; Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

Lorestan University of Medical Sciences,

March 9, Khorramabad, IRAN


2017                          Dry Needling (Level II, III: Shoulder Girdle & Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

February 24-25, Isfahan, IRAN


2017                          Manual Therapy of the Lumbar Spine   

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

February 18, Tehran, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level V: Cervical, TMJ, Face). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

February 10-11, Mashhad, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Upper & Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

February 10-11, Mashhad, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

January 20, Mashhad, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

January 19, Mashhad, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

January 18, Mashhad, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level I: Pelvic Girdle). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

January 16-17, Mashhad, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

January 5, Isfahan, IRAN


2017Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

January 6, Isfahan, IRAN


2016Dry Needling (Level I: Principles, Mechanism & Pelvic Girdle). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

December 22, Isfahan, IRAN


2016                           Craniosacral Therapy in Spinal Disorders 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

December 17, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Mobilization Techniques in Sacroiliac and Sacrolumbar

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

November 18, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2016                          Dry Needling (Level I: Principles and Mechanism). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

November 16, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Level I, II: Mechanism, Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

Milad Hospital

November 11, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2016Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

November 4, Isfahan, IRAN


2016                          Myofascial Release Technique  

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

October 28, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Diagnosis and Treatment of Myofascial Disorders in Pelvic Floor 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

October 21, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Neck, Head, Face) 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

September 23, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Manual Therapy of The Thoracic Spine

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

September 2, Tehran, IRAN

2016                          Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Lower and Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

August 25-26, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Neck, Head, Face) 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

August 11-12, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Mechanisms and Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

August 4-5, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Manual Therapy of The Lumbar and Cervical Spine

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

July 29-30, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Mechanisms and Shoulder & Pelvic Girdle). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

July 21-22, Tehran, IRAN


2016Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

June 6, Mashhad, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

June 5, Mashhad, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Level I: Principles and Mechanism, Shoulder Girdle Muscles).   

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Golestan branch & Golestan University of Medical Sciences

May 19, Gorgan, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

April 12, Tehran, IRAN


2016                          Mobilization Techniques in Sacroiliac and Sacrolumbar

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

March 12,13, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2016                          Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Upper & Lower Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khoozestan branch

January 28-29, Ahvaz, IRAN


2016                          Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

January 21, Mashhad, IRAN


2016                          Myofascial Release Technique  

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

January 8, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khoozestan branch & Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (AJUMS)

December 17-18, Ahvaz, IRAN


2015                           Dry Needling (Level II, III, IV: Lower and Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Zahedan branch & Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS)

December 2-4, Zahedan, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level V: Upper Cervical). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

November 27, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Manual Therapy in Lower Extremity. 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS)

November 19-20, Shiraz, IRAN


2015                          Manual Therapy of The Thoracic Spine

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

November 13, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2015                           Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

November 6, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

October 2, Tehran, IRAN


2015                           Craniosacral Therapy in Spinal Disorders 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

September 25, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Lumbopelvic & Upper Cervical). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

September 10-11, Mashhad, IRAN    

2015                           Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

September 4, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I,II,III,IV: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles, Lower & Upper Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Ardabil branch & Ardabil University of Medical Sciences (ARUMS)

September 1-3, Ardabil, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

August 30, Tehran, IRAN       


2015                          Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

August 28, Mashhad, IRAN    


2015                          Myofascial Release Technique   

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

August 27, Mashhad, IRAN    


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Zahedan branch & Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS)

August 13-14, Zahedan, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I, Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic Muscles). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

August 11, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Diagnosis and Treatment of Myofascial Disorders in Pelvic Floor 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

August 7, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Manual Therapy of The Cervical Spine

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Urmia branch

July 30-31, Urmia, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Lower and Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Kordestan branch

July 23-24, Sanandaj, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level V: Upper Cervical). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

June 25, Mashhad, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level V: Upper Cervical). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS)

June 13, Mashhad, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Kordestan branch

June 10-11, Sanandaj, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

June 5, Tehran, IRAN

2015                           Dry Needling (Principles and Mechanism). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

May 15, Tehran, IRAN


2015                          Manual Therapy of The Cervical Spine

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

May 1, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)      


2015                          Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

March 16, Mashhad, IRAN


2015                          Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

March 7, Shiraz, IRAN.        


2017                          Mobilization Techniques in Sacroiliac and Sacrolumbar

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

February 27, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2015                          Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Lower and Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

February 20-21, Shiraz, IRAN


2015                          Myofascial Release Techniques 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

February 12, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic Muscles). 

University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,

February 2, Tehran, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2015                          Manual Therapy of The Lumbar Spine and Lumbopelvic Area

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

February 4-6, Shiraz, IRAN (IRCME accredited)


2015                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

January 29-30, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level III,IV: Upper & Lower Exttremity, Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

December 19-20, Shiraz, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

December 4-6, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Cervical Region). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

November 28, Shiraz, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (III, IV: Lower and Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

November 20, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

October 30-31, Shiraz, IRAN


2014                          Mobilization of the Sacroiliac and Sacrolumbar

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

September 18, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

September 5, Mashhad, IRAN           


2014                          Mobilization of the Lumbar Spine  

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

September 4, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (II: Shoulder Girdle). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

June 27, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Craniosacral Therapy in Spinal Disorders 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

June 26, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling ((Level I: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

June 20, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Myofascial Release Technique 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

June 19, Mashhad, IRAN


2014Dry Needling (Level III,IV: Lower and Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

May 22-23, Isfahan, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level I,II, Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

April 17-18, Isfahan, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level V: Upper Cervical). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

March 7, Shiraz, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (II: Shoulder Girdle). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

February 28, Mashhad, IRAN           


2014                          Dry Needling (Level IV, V: Upper Extremity & Trunk & Upper Cervical). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

February 19-21, Shiraz, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (IV: Upper Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

February 14, Mashhad, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level I,II:  Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

February 6-7, Isfahan, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level III, IV: Lower & Upper Extremity and Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

January 28-30, Shiraz, IRAN


2014                          Dry Needling (Level V: Cervical). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

January 12, Mashhad, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

December 27, Shiraz, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level IV: Trunk and Lumbar). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Khorasan branch & MUMS

December 20, Mashhad, IRAN

2013                          Dry Needling (Level II, III: Shoulder Girdle & Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

December 11-13, Shiraz, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan branch

December 4-5, Isfahan, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level I,II, Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Tehran branch

November 28-29, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level I,II: Principles and Mechanism; Lumbopelvic & Shoulder Girdle Muscles).

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

November 20-22, Shiraz, IRAN


2019                          Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Qom branch

November 8, Qom, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level IV: Upper Extremity & Trunk). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Tehran branch

November 1, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling. (Level I: Principles and Mechanism)

Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

October 29, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Qom branch

October 25, Qom, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level III: Lower Extremity). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Tehran branch

October 18, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level I: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic Muscles) 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Qom branch

October 11, Qom, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling. Principles and Mechanism.

First Seminar in Manual and Exercise Therapy

October 3, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Management of Neck Pain and Dysfunction  

First Seminar in Manual and Exercise Therapy

October 4, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level II: Shoulder Girdle Muscles). 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Tehran branch

June 21, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Evaluation and Mobilization of the Lumbar Spine. 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Tehran branch

June 28, Tehran, IRAN


2013                          Dry Needling (Level I: Principles and Mechanism, Lumbopelvic Muscles) 

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz branch & SUMS

June 5-6, Shiraz, IRAN


2012                          Management of Neck Pain and Dysfunction.

13th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy

December 27, Tehran, IRAN


2012                          Management of Lumbo-pelvic Pain and Dysfunction.

13th Seminar in Specific Spinal Physical Therapy

December 28, Tehran, IRAN


2011                          Janda Approach in Musculoskeletal Dysfunctions.

22nd Iranian Physiotherapy Congress

May 3-5, Tehran, IRAN


2009                          Craniosacral Therapy

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Shiraz Branch & SUMS

November 12, Shiraz, IRAN


2009                          Segmental Evaluation and Mobilization of The Lumbar Spine

Iranian Physiotherapy Association- Isfahan Branch

October 22-23, Isfahan, IRAN


2009                          Mobilization of The Cervical Spine

Iranian Physiotherapy Association

February 12-13, Tehran, IRAN


2008                          Evaluation and Mobilization of The Lumbar Spine: Differential Diagnosis in Low Back Pain

Iranian Physiotherapy Association

November 13-14, Tehran, IRAN


2008                          Segmental Evaluation and Mobilization of The Spine, Differential Diagnosis in Low Back Pain

Iranian Physiotherapy Association

July 30-31, Tabriz, IRAN


2006                          Mobilization of The Lumbar Spine & Spinal Stabilization

Welfare Organization

October 18-19, Gorgan, IRAN


2006                          Segmental Evaluation and Mobilization of The Spine

Social Security Organization, Dr. Labbafi Nejad Hospital

August 19-20, Tehran, IRAN


2005                          Mobilization of The Lumbar Spine

Social Security Organization

January 23-25, Shiraz, IRAN


2005                          Mobilization of The Lumbar Spine

Social Security Organization

January 2-4, Isfahan, IRAN


راهنمایی و مشاوره پایان نامه:

مقطع دکتری تخصصی (استاد راهنما)


-        Trunk, Pelvis and Lower Limbs Asymmetry During Gait in Patients With Chronic Low Back pain.


-        Relationship Between Musculoskeletal, Sensorimotor and Functional Factors and Non-specific Chronic Neck Pain.


-        Abdominal Muscles Activity during Dynamic Postural Tasks in Subjects With and Without Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain Using Ultrasonography.


-        Relationship between Clinical Trunk Muscles Endurance Tests and Muscle Fatigue or Cross Sectional Area in Subjects With and Without Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain.


-        Balance Recovery Reactions to External Postural Perturbations Under Dual Task Conditions in Subjects With and Without Recurrent Non-specific Low Back Pain.


-        Sonomyographic Assessment of Abdominal Muscles When Activated Alone and With Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction in Women with and Without Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain.



مقطع دکتری تخصصی (استاد مشاور)


-        The Effects of 12 Weeks Supervised Stabilization Exercise With Routine Physiotherapy Compared With Routine Physiotherapy Only on Pain, Functional Disability, Lumbar Range of Motion and Abdominal Muscle Thickness Using Ultrasonography in Patient With Chronic Low Back Pain.


-        Effects of Active Stabilizing Exercise During Prone Hip Extension on Lumbopelvic Muscles Recruitment Pattern in Patients With Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain.


-        Kinematic Analysis of a Set of Static and Dynamic Functional Activities Between Healthy Young and Elderly With and Without Fall History.


-        The Comparison of Shoulder Girdle Muscular Activation Pattern in Subjects with and Without Chronic Neck Pain.



مقطع کارشناسی ارشد (استاد راهنما)


-        Relationship between Ultrasound Thickness Measurement and The Strength of Leg Muscles.


-        The effect of Myofascial Release Technique in the Upper Cervical Region in Subjects with Cervicogenic Headache.


-        Ultrasonic Assessment of Pelvic Floor Muscle Activity in Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Patterns in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence.


-        The Assessment of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function in Individuals With and Without Fecal Incontinence Using Ultrasonography.


-        The Assessment of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function in Females With and Without Chronic Functional Constipation Using Ultrasonography.


-         The Response of Abdominal Muscles to Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction in Subjects with and without Low Back Pain Using Synchronized Electromyography and Ultrasonography.


-         The Effect of Dry Needling Compared With Ischemic Pressure on Active Trigger Point in Upper Trapezius Muscle.


-        Ultrasonic Assessment of Abdominal Muscle Thickness Change During Abdominal Hollowing ad Bracing Maneuvers in Women With and Without Low Back Pains. 


-        Muscular Activation Patterns During Prone Hip Extension Exercise in Athletes With and Without Hamstring Strain Injuries.


-        Effects of Abdominal Hollowing and Bracing Maneuvers During Prone Hip Extension Exercise on Lumbopelvic Muscles Recruitment pattern in Patients with Chronic Low back pain.


-        Pelvic Floor Muscle Activity During Abdominal Hollowing and Bracing Maneuvers in Women With Stress Urinary Incontinence.



مقطع کارشناسی ارشد (استاد مشاور)


-        Evaluation of Disability from Low Back Pain After Childbirth: A Comparison between Vaginal Delivery and Ceaesarean Section.


-        Effect of Long Sitting on Lumbar Kinematics in Patients With Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain With Active Extension Patern.


-        Relationship Between Spine and Pelvic Alignment and Non-specific Chronic Neck Pain.


-        The Effect of Kinesio-tape on Active Trigger Point in Vastus Lateralis Muscle in Patients With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.


-        The Effect of Kinesio-tape on Active Trigger Point in Upper Trapezius Muscle.


-        The Effect of Kinesio-tape on Active Trigger Point in Patients With Lateral Epicondylitis.


-        Distal and Proximal Lower Limb Muscles Activity Patterns Following the External Perturbation Between Subjects With and Without Functional Ankle Instability.


-        The Comparison of Activation Level of Shoulder Girdle Muscles in Subjects With and Without Rotator Cuff Disorders During the Gripping Action.


-        Impact of Explicit Information on Implicit Motor-sequence Learning Following Multiple Sclerosis.


-        The Activity Pattern of Shoulder Girdle Muscles During Shoulder Scaption in Subjects With Active Trigger Point in Upper Trapezius Muscle Compared With Normal Subjects.


-        Ultrasound Measurement of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function During Abdominal Maneuver in Subjects With and Without Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain.

-        The Effects of Kinesio-tape on 3 Dimensions of Scapular Kinematics in Patients with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome during Humeral Elevation and Lowering.


-        Effectiveness of Consecutive Supervised Functional Lumbar Stabilizing Exercises in on Postural Balance and Functional Ability of Women With Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain.


-        Effectiveness of Supervised Accelerated Functional Lumbar Stabilizing Exercises in Patients With Low Back Pain.


-        A Comparison of Scapular Kinematic between Subjects With and Without General Hypermobility Syndrome in Frontal and Sagittal Plane Arm Elevation.


-        Effect of Shoulder Key Exercise on Isometric Torque of Glenohumeral Joint Movements in The Healthy Young Females.


-        Comparison of Abdominal Muscle Response to Different Postures in Non Specific Chronic Low Back Pain and Healthy Male Subjects Utilizing Ultrasonography.




















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